3,087 research outputs found

    Chemical weathering of the volcanic soils of Isla Santa Cruz (Galápagos Islands, Ecuador)

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    We present a study on weathering of volcanic soils using 43 profiles (131 horizons) sampled in Santa Cruz Island (Galapagos Islands). Several weathering indices, based on chemical composition, are used. Since the geological material is highly homogeneous the intensity of weathering is mostly related to climatic conditions controlled by topography. There is a gradient of increasing weathering from the arid conditions predominant in the coast to elevations of 400-500 m a.s.l. where much more humid conditions prevail

    The impact of cultural dissonance and acculturation orientations on immigrant students' academic performance

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    Indexación: Scopus; Scielo; Redalyc.Prior research has documented meaningful differences between school performance of immigrant and native students. Multicultural education has been associated with academic failure of foreign students. e aim of this study was to examine the impact of a set of psychosocial variables on the perceived academic achievement of first generation immigrant adolescents from public secondary schools in Northern Spain. Results showed that 46% of the variability in foreign students’ perceived academic performance was explained by home-school cultural dissonance. We also explored the impact of acculturation orientation to separation, perception of discrimination from teachers, school adjustment, and psychological well-being in academic performance. Any multicultural education context should take into account psychosocial adjustment, given its influence on academic performance of all studentsSe han hallado diferencias significativas entre el rendimiento académico de los inmigrantes y el de los estudiantes nativos. Sin embargo, hay una escasa evidencia acerca de los aspectos psicosociales de este fenómeno. El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar el impacto de un conjunto de variables psicosociales: disonancia cultural y orientaciones de aculturación en el rendimiento académico percibido de adolescentes inmigrantes de primera generación de centros de Educación Secundaria en el Norte de España. Los resultados mostraron que alrededor del 46% de la variabilidad en el rendimiento era explicada por la disonancia cultural entre escuela y hogar. Cualquier contexto de educación multicultural ha de tomar en consideración el ajuste psicosocial, dada su influencia en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes.http://www.redalyc.org/jatsRepo/647/64753989003/index.htm

    Linear programming of a slate quarry

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    [Abstract] A new exploitation of roofing slate has several possibilities of marketing depending on the sizes of the pieces that it makes. Three sizes has been chosen among aH the possibilities in base of the conditions and the production of the rock in the quarry, the marketing limitation and the final price of the producto We've procces aH these data to obtain the optimun output, with the simplex algorithm. The objective function (week invoicing) and the restrictions of the problem are created in canonical and standard formo Optimun solution has been obtained among aH the basic and practical ones, using the graphic and the analytic method. Sorne conclusions come from the algorithm matrix about the outputs for each marketing option

    Snap-8 corrosion program quarterly progress report, period ending 28 feb. 1965

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    SNAP-8 corrosion program - hydrogen solubility in sodium-potassium, permeability of hydrogen and deuterum through stainless steel, and phase equilibri

    SNAP-8 corrosion program Quarterly progress report, period ending 31 May 1965

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    Differences in corrosion and mass transfer rates in corrosion loops for SNAP-8 system and effectiveness of cold trapping in reducing hydrogen concentratio

    Compositional analysis of InAs-GaAs-GaSb heterostructures by low-loss electron energy loss spectroscopy

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    As an alternative to Core-Loss Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy, Low-Loss EELS is suitable for compositional analysis of complex heterostructures, such as the InAs-GaAs-GaSb system, since in this energy range the edges corresponding to these elements are better defined than in Core-Loss. Furthermore, the analysis of the bulk plasmon peak, which is present in this energy range, also provides information about the composition. In this work, compositional information in an InAs-GaAs-GaSb heterostructure has been obtained from Low-Loss EEL spectra

    FooPar: A Functional Object Oriented Parallel Framework in Scala

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    We present FooPar, an extension for highly efficient Parallel Computing in the multi-paradigm programming language Scala. Scala offers concise and clean syntax and integrates functional programming features. Our framework FooPar combines these features with parallel computing techniques. FooPar is designed modular and supports easy access to different communication backends for distributed memory architectures as well as high performance math libraries. In this article we use it to parallelize matrix matrix multiplication and show its scalability by a isoefficiency analysis. In addition, results based on a empirical analysis on two supercomputers are given. We achieve close-to-optimal performance wrt. theoretical peak performance. Based on this result we conclude that FooPar allows to fully access Scala's design features without suffering from performance drops when compared to implementations purely based on C and MPI
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